
Monday, March 26, 2012

Daily Newsletter March 26, 2012

Microbiology MOOC title3

Daily Newsletter March 26, 2012

This week's topic: Eukaryotic Microbiology

When we talk about microbiology, most peoples thoughs immediately turn to bacteria and viruses. There are though a number of Eukaryotic microbes. It is important to remember that microbiology is ultimately the study of organisms too small to see with the naked eye.

Why then do we spend so much time on bacteria? The answer is rather simple. Most of your training has been on eukaryotic cells. Principles of Biology, as well as Cell and Molecular Biology, focus on eukaryotic systems. As you have seen, bacterial and archaeal systems are different. We need time to go through those differences, and also talk about the importance and impact of these other two domains of life.
Are Eukaryotic Microbes as important as bacteria? YES!
  • Phytoplankton, which is made up of both photosynthetic bacteria and algae (photosynthetic microscopic eukaryotes) produce most of the world's oxygen.
  • Fungi are important decomposers, and are needed to recycle nutrients in the environment.
  • The mycorrhizal fungi are needed for the healthy growth of many plants.
  • Yeasts are needed in bread making and brewing.
  • Protists (microscopic animal-like eukaryotes) are important predators of other microbes.
  • Protists are also medically important.

Daily Challenge: Common Characteristics
When doing taxonomy, it is important to have a clear idea about the common characteristics that seperates one group from another. To that end, you are to compile a list of common characteristics for the Algae, Protists and Fungi. Make sure you discuss these characteristics! Questions to start you off:
  • Is the organism heterotrophis or autotrophic?
  • Is the organism predatory or a detritivore?
  • What is the organization of the cell?
  • Does the cell have a cell wall, and if so, what is it made of?
  • Any special cellular characteristics, such as unique lipids in the membrane?
  • Any special metabolic features?
  • Remember Alternation of Generations?  How would you classify the organism?
  • How does the organism reproduce?
  • Are there any important reproductive structures or strategies common to the group?

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