
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Daily Newsletter January 31, 2012

Daily Newsletter                                                                       January 30, 2012

Today's Topic: CRP and AraC

CRP stands for cAMP receptor protein, and it is involved in the regulation of the Lac operon.  Since you only want the lac operon to operate when there is low glucose, you use a CRP to prevent transcription when you are living in an environment of high glucose concentrations.  As with any regulatory system, you have to have a signal for when to remove CRP. 

First thing to remember:  Your book focuses on CRP in terms of the Lac operon, but CRP is a general regulator.  It blocks multiple genes and operons from expression when you live in adequate levels of glucose.  When you go toward starvation, in this case low glucose, you need to remove all of the CRPs on DNA.  So, glucose is are primary signal.  The cell though hates to use glucose as a signal, so we will transduce this primary signal into a secondary messager:  cAMP.  You should have seen cyclic AMP before, and should be familiar with it being used as a secondary messager.  So, how does CRP work?
Remember that you have a double promoter (-10, -35).  There are some promoters that cause the RNA polymerase to bind and then get stuck, preventing transcription (the polymerase instead pops off).  Such is the case with the promoter for the Lac operon.  CRP when it binds with cAMP (CRP-cAMP) can bind to a segment of DNA at -60 from the Lac Operon.  The CRP-cAMP complex forces the DNA to bend, which causes the CRP-cAMP complex to come into contact with the RNA polymerase.  This induces a molecular stress that forces the RNA polymerase to start working.  As an analogy, the CRP-cAMP complex gives the stalled/stuck RNA polymerase a push to get moving.

The AraC regulator controls the Arabinose operon.  This is a feedback regulation, but has some interesting complexities that show the diversity of bacterial genetics.  First, the coding region of the operon is transcribed in one direction, but the coding region of the regulator is transcribed in the opposite direction (Question: How do you do that?).  AraC (the regulator) creates a dimer protein (two protein units) that have DNA binding domains.  When arabinose is absent, the AraC protein dimer binds to DNA, causing it to curve (or loop).  In this form, there is no interaction between AraC and RNA Polymerase; no transcription occurs.  When Arabinose is present, the dimer binds to arabinose and experiences as configurational change (it changes shape).  The AraC dimer can then interact with RNA Polymerase.  As with CRP-cAMP, it gives RNA Polymerase a push to get it to start transcribing.  This is a basic description of this regulatory system, and leaves out the action of CRP-cAMP as well as not giving specific gene sequences effected.  Still, it should give you a basic idea about this mechanism.

Daily Challenge:  Gene Regulation
In today's blog, choose either the CPR-cAMP or AraC regulatory mechanism and describe it in detail (if you feel ambitious, do both).  This must be in your own words, and go more in depth than the discussion above.  This is a great blog in which to add images (just remember to discuss the images).

Monday, January 30, 2012

Daily Newsletter January 30, 2012

Daily Newsletter                                                                       January 30, 2012

Today's Topic:Lac Operon

Today we are going to review genetic regulation by looking at the classic example of the Lab operon.   First, remember that cells do not need their entire genome expressed at the same time.  While there are a number of protein that are always needed (constitutive genes), there a many that only needed periodically or in a specific environment.  Making transcripts and then proteins is expensive energetically, so organisms only make what they need.

A regulated gene is going to have an operator, a region near the promoter that will control expression.  In most regulatory systems, there is a protein that block expression by sitting on the operator.  (Question:  Does a constitutive gene have an operator?).  If a protein (gene product) is needed to block expression, then there must be a regulatory gene.

The Lac operon is an inducible set of gene. This means that we generally have gene expression turned off.  Gene expression is only turned on when lactose is present.  This contrasts with a repressible gene or operon.  Repressible systems are generally on, but can be turned off if you have too much of the end product.  The Trp (trypotphan) operon is an example of a repressible system.

The Lac operon has a secondary control mechanism.  Since lactose is not a preferred sugar source, as long a glucose is abundant in the environment, the Lac operon is not expressed.  This is a form of catabolite repression, and involves the cAMP-CRP system.

Suggested Videos
The following two links are for videos showing the Lac and Trp operon regulation system.  The Lac operon does not show catabolite repression.

Lac Operon:

Trp Operon:

Word of the Day:  Operon
Make sure that you have a good definition for operon in your notes.

Daily Challenge:
Today, you are to compare inducible and repressible regulatory systems by looking at the Lac and Trp operon.  How do they work?  What is the mechanism?  What is the end result?  Why would these genes be regulated?  At this time, you do not have to go into catabolite repression.

Weekly Update 4 - Genetics 2

Weekly Update 3 - Genetics II

This week:  Genetic Regulation, Epigenetics, Gene Transfer, Mutation and Bacterial Evolution.

Suggested Readings:
  • Slonczewski and Foster textbook:  
    • Chapter 9: Gene Transfer, Mutations, and Genome Evolution
    • Chapter 10: Molecular Regulation
  • Casadesús J, Low D. Epigenetic Gene Regulation in the Bacterial World. Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews. 2006;70(3):830 -856.

Learning Objectives:
  • Be able to describe different ways of regulating gene expression.
  • Be able to describe in detail the regulation of the Lac operon.
  • Be able to describe the regulation of the Trp operon.
  • Be able to describe the function and action of DNA binding proteins.
  • Be able to describe AraC-Like proteins.
  • Be able to describe the regulation of Sigma Factors.
  • Be able to describe Phase Variations.
  • Be able to describe the action of the small RNAs.
  • Be able to describe the concept of epigenetics with at least one example.
  • Be able to describe the concepts of Genomics and Proteomics.
  • Be able to describe the three primary ways of bacterial gene transfer.
  • Be able to describe recombination and mutation.
  • Be able to describe DNA repair mechanisms.
  • Be able to describe Mobile Genetic Elements.
  • Be able to discuss key features in bacterial evolution, and how it differs from eukaryotic evolution.

Administrative Notes:
This is a reminder.  When you want to email me, please email me at  I may not get your message if you send it through the social website or uLearn.  To make sure I get it, use my account.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Daily Newsletter January 27, 2012

Daily Newsletter                                                                       January 27, 2012

Today's Topic:Applications

Please read the following article:
Keith EJ Tyo, Kanokarn Kocharin, Jens Nielsen, Toward design-based engineering of industrial microbes, Current Opinion in Microbiology, Volume 13, Issue 3, June 2010, Pages 255-262, ISSN 1369-5274, 10.1016/j.mib.2010.02.001.
Abstract: Engineering industrial microbes has been hampered by incomplete knowledge of cell biology. Thus an iterative engineering cycle of modeling, implementation, and analysis has been used to increase knowledge of the underlying biology while achieving engineering goals. Recent advances in Systems Biology technologies have drastically improved the amount of information that can be collected in each iteration. As well, Synthetic Biology tools are melding modeling and molecular implementation. These advances promise to move microbial engineering from the iterative approach to a design-oriented paradigm, similar to electrical circuits and architectural design. Genome-scale metabolic models, new tools for controlling expression, and integrated -omics analysis are described as key contributors in moving the field toward Design-based Engineering.

This is an opinion article, not a research article.  You can consider this as being similar to a review article.  The authors will review current research and theory so as to propose their own ideas about the state and future of microbial biotechnology.  One focus is on systems biology, which involves work in bioinformatics. 

Daily Challenge: Article Analysis
You are to blog about this article.  Even if you are new to article analysis, you will find that you can figure out key elements of the paper as you read through the article.  To help focus your reading of the paper, consider the following questions:
  1. What is the authors' purpose in writing this paper?  What do they hope to convey to the reader?
  2. What is their view on current and future directions of biotechnology?
  3. What tools do they see as important in biotechnology?
  4. What do they recommend?
In addition to a review of the paper, I would like you define/describe three terms (or phrases) that you came across in the paper that you are unfamiliar with. As for length, remember you are building knowledge with this exercise, so put in what you need to show that you are starting to understand the term (or phrase)

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Daily Newsletter January 26, 2012

Daily Newsletter                                                                       January 24, 2012

Today's Topic:Bioinformatics

There are two websites to visit today as a basic foundation for bioinformatics.
  • Bioinformatics.Org FAQ
    • "The Bioinformatics Organization, Inc. serves the scientific and educational needs of bioinformatic practitioners and the general public. We develop and maintain computational resources to facilitate world-wide communications and collaborations between people of all educational and professional levels. We provide and promote open access to the materials and methods required for, and derived from, research, development and education."  Bioinformatics.Org. (2010). Bioinformatics Organization.  Retrieved January 26, 2012, from
    • This website has a better discussion of bioinformatics than the textbook.
  • Bioinformatics Wikipedia Article
    • This article provides a list of bioinformatics topics.

Daily Challenge:  Bioinformatics
Today, review the materials above, and explore bioinformatics.  What do you see as the power or usefulness of bioinformatics?  Is there a topics in bioinformatics that you find interesting?  Basically, talk about bioinformatics, and give some examples from your readings that you find interesting.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Daily Newsletter January 25, 2012

Daily Newsletter                                                                       January 24, 2012

Today's Topic:Bacterial Translation

As with other genetic processes, translation in bacteria is similar to what occurs in eukaryotes.  The ribosome functions in a similar way, but the bacterial ribsome is smaller (70s, instead of 80s).  The sizes of the rRNA are different.  Some molecular processes are different, but when viewed from a larger perspective, you still have initiation, elongation and termination.  The same genetic code is used, the ribosome reads triplet nucleotides (codons), tRNAs carry amino acids, and ribosomes catalyze peptide bond formation.

Some points to remember:
  • Bacteria use f-MET (N-formyl methionine) instead of just MET.
  • Initation in bacteria requires three initiation factors that bring the ribosomal sub-units together on an mRNA molecule.
  • Peptidyltransferase activity of the ribosome is carried out by ribosomal RNA, not protein.
  • Translation terminates upon reaching a stop codon, which causes the ribosome to pause because it cannot find an appropriate tRNA; a release factor enters the A site and triggers peptidyltransferase activity.
  • Ribosome release factor and EF-G bind to the A site to dissociate the two ribosomal subunits from the mRNA. 
  • Transcription and translation in prokaryotes are coupled (Polyribosome).
  • RNA polymerase pauses during transcription to allow the slower translating ribosomes to stay close. This minimizes exposure of mRNA to degradative cellular enzymes.
  • tmRNA rescues ribosomes stuck on damaged mRNA that lacks a stop codon.
  • After translation, the N-terminal amino acid (N-formylmethionine) can be removed by methionine deformylase.
  • An inactive precursor protein can be cleaved into a smaller active protein, or other groups can be added to the protein (for example, phosphate or AMP).
  • Chaperone proteins help translated proteins fold properly.
Another issue that is important in bacterial synthesis is protein secretion.  How does the bacteria get proteins outside of the cell membrane and cell wall?  How does the cell know which proteins need to go where?

I am confident that each student can describe the basic mechanisms of translation, and with the notes above, compare translation in bacteria and eukaryotes.  So today, students should focus on secretory systems in bacteria.

NOTE:  If you are not confident in your ability to describe translation, write up a quick description in your blog.

Daily Challenge:  Bacterial Secretion Systems
In your blog today, write about the different ways bacteria can get proteins either into the cellular membrane or exude them out of the cell to the extracellular fluids.  Specifically concentrate on these topics:  general secretory system, signal recognition protein, sec B, and the Type I Secretory System.  I also want you to read about the type III secretory system and write a paragraph about it.

    Tuesday, January 24, 2012

    Daily Nesletter January 24, 2012

    Daily Newsletter                                                                       January 24, 2012

    Today's Topic:Bacterial Transcription

    The basics of the three genetic processes is very similar in all organisms, especially when we look at the elongation steps (adding new nucleic acids or amino acids).  The differences usually involve the exact enzymes being used (with prokaryote enzymes generally being smaller), and issues with initiation and termination of the process.

    In transcription, we see the greatest differences between bacteria and eukaryotes.  For initiation, bacteria do not have the multicomponent complex of initiation factors, and do not use the same promoters.  Termination is likewise different.  Your task today is to review bacterial transcription, and make sure that you can discuss the initiation and termination of bacterial transcription.

    Daily Word:  Pribnow Box
    This is a new feature to the blog.  The daily word is an important word associated with the daily topic.  You may need to use it in your blog, but more importantly, it is a word you should get to know.

    Daily Challenge:  Bacterial Transcription
    In your blogs today, you are to discuss the initiation and termination of bacterial transcription (skip elongation).  Topics to focus on include:  Sigma Factor, Pribnow Box, -10/-35 sequence (also known as hexamers), Rho dependent and Rho independent termination.

    Monday, January 23, 2012

    Daily Newsletter January 23, 2012

    Daily Newsletter                                                                       January 23, 2012

    Today's Topic:Bacterial DNA Replication

    The bacterial genophore (molecule of DNA) is generally circular, but there are some examples where you find linear molecules of DNA (Agrobacterium and Borrella are two examples with linear DNA).  The bacterial genome, which is the total of all DNA molecules in the cell, consists of the genophore (the core DNA molecule equivalent to a eukaryote's chromosome) and plasmids.

    DNA must replicate during cellular division so that each daughter cell can have the parental genetic information.  The genophore is always replicated, but there are examples of non-replicating plasmids.  In the case of a non-replicating plasmid, only one daughter cell will get the plasmid.

    NOTE:  Why do we not use the phrase Bacterial Chromosome?  Many people use it, including microbiologists.  It is an easy phrase, and immediately brings up to your mind the idea of the main genetic units of a cell, but what is a chromosome?  A chromosome, by definition, is made of chromatin.  These are the individual molecules of supercoiled DNA that appear only during Mitosis.  Bacteria do not produce chromatin, and they do not undergo mitosis.  Thus, they do not have a true chromosome.  The term genophore, coined by Hans Ris, is thought of as a gene holding unit, or a unit of genetic linkages, i.e., a molecule of DNA.  So, we should discuss the Bacterial Genophore, not the bacterial chromosome.

    Daily Challenge:  Bacterial Replication
    Provide a brief review of replication (emphasis on brief).  The focus of your work today should be on distinguishing the elements of bacterial replication that are different from eukaryotic replication.  Specifically, what challenges or advantages do most bacteria have when it comes to replication?

    Weekly Update 3 - Genetics

    Weekly Update 3 - Genetics

    This week:  Replication, Transcription, Translation, with a little bit of regulation.

    This week we will be looking at bacterial genetics by focusing on the three core genetic processes:  Replication, Transcription and Translation.  While we do this, we will be looking at some genetic regulation as well.

    Suggested Readings:

    • Slonczewski and Foster textbook:  
      • Chapter 7: Genome and Chromosome
      • Chapter 8: Transcription, Translation and Bioinformatics
    • The following Wikipedia articles have good information on some specific topics of interest with bacterial genetics.  They also provide good references for you to use in your own studies:
      • Nucleoid - This is a good article because it makes a distinction between a chromosome and a genophore (bacterial DNA).
      • Sigma Factor - The textbook give a more complete discussion on sigma factors, but this article has a nice list of sigma factors.
    •  Bioinformatics Organization FAQ 

      Learning Objectives
      At this point, all students should be able to provide a solid description of Replication, Transcription and Translation.  Therefore, we will not concern ourselves with the basics of these processes, but instead focus on how Bacteria differ from Eukarya in these three processes.  As we move though this week, we will also begin our discussion on genetic regulations. 

      1. Be able to discuss the concept of a genome, and what constitutes a bacterial genome.
      2. Be able to discuss supercoiling of DNA and the use of topoisomerases.
      3. Be able to discuss bacterial DNA replication (you may need to go back to the chapter on prokaryotic cells).
      4. Be able to discuss plasmid DNA and the importance of Bacteriophages.
      5. Be able to discuss how DNA analysis is done, and why.
      6. Be able to discuss how researchers analyze the whole genome, and why it is important.
      7. Be able to discuss the significance of the sigma factor to RNA Polymerase and bacterial transcription.
      8. Be able to discuss the bacterial promoter and how it is different to the eukaryote promoter.
      9. Be able to discuss Transcription termination in terms of either Rho-dependent or Rho-independent mechanisms.
      10. Be able to discuss all of the different types of RNA.
      11. Be able to discuss bacterial translation, including the phenomena of polyribosomes and the size difference between bacterial and eukaryote ribosomes.
      12. Be able to discuss post-translational modification of proteins.
      13. Be able to discuss the bacterial secretion mechanisms.
      14. Be able to describe open reading frames, paralogs, orthologs and DNA alignments.
      15. Be able to discuss the Lac operon and its regulation.

        Friday, January 20, 2012

        Daily Newsletter January 20, 2012

        Daily Newsletter                                                                       January 20, 2012

        Today's Topic: Bacterial Flagella and Chemotaxis

        An important topic in microbiology is the study of the flagella, as it is used for locomotion and attachment.  Attachment?  As we move through the semester, you will find that the topic of whether a cell is free swimming or attached is critical.  For medical microbiology, we find that pathogens must first be able to attache to their host before the an infectious process begins (it is the critical step).

        The bacterial flagella is also different from the Eukaryotic flagella, and uses a different power source.  You will hear me say throughout the semester that Bacteria have a different ATP yield than Eukaryotic cells from catabolism (e.g., the breakdown of glucose).  One reason for this is that bacteria will use a proton motive force instead of ATP for some functions.  Flagellar movement is one of those functions.  The proton motive pump is used instead of ATP to get flagella spinning.

        Spinning?  Unlike eukaryotic flagella, which have a whip like motion, bacterial flagella rotate.  Further, they can rotate either clockwise or counterclockwise.  You can also have multiple flagella, and there are specific arrangements of flagella.  Why is all this important?  Consider why bacteria want to be move toward nutrient, or away from toxins (chemotaxis).

        Also consider, for chemotaxis to work, bacterial cells must have a receptor that picks up the chemical signal.

        Daily Challenge:
        Today you are to discuss the flagella, its movement and chemotaxis.  Pull in images to help explain the flagella.  Do not rely solely on images.  You need to verbally discuss.  As you move through this challenge, keep in mind why the flagella is important.  What advantage does it give the cell?

        Thursday, January 19, 2012

        Daily Newsletter January 19, 2012

        Daily Newsletter                                                                       January 17, 2012

        Today's Topic:  Bacterial Cell Wall - gram negative walls

        With the gram negative cell structure, you have advantages and disadvantages.  The peptidoglycan cell wall is thinner.  It still serves to protect the cell against osmotic shock, but not as well as a thicker cell wall.  You also have an outer membrane.  The structure of this membrane is unique in that the outer leaflet of the membrane is composed of Lipopolysaccharides (LPS).  The LPS can play a role in infectious diseases, as they are pyrogenic (fever inducing).

        Today's Challenge:
        The blog today is to focus on the structure and function of the gram negative outer membrane.  What is this membrane like?  What does it look like?  What is it composed of?  What is the function of the outer membrane, and how does it fulfill that function?  Most notably, when we have an outer membrane, we have yet another barrier to things moving into the cell.  Is this an advantage,  disadvantage, or both? How do we get materials into the cell?

        Wednesday, January 18, 2012

        Daily Newsletter January 18, 2012

        Daily Newsletter                                                                       January 17, 2012

        Today's Topic:  Bacterial Cell Wall

        The bacterial cell wall serves the same basic purpose as all cell walls, protection from hypotonic shock.  This protection is achieved by defining the shape and maximum size (volume) of the cell.  The cell membrane can swell to this set limit, but not beyond, thus preventing osmotic lysis.  Due to this hypotonic tolerance, bacterial cells can store higher concentrations of internal solutes than eukaryotic cells, which is advantageous to cells that lack internal compartmentalization. 

        A defining characteristic of Domain Bacteria is that bacterial cell walls are composed of peptidoglycan.  Glycans are large sugar chains, in this case made up of repeating N-acetylglutamic acid (NAG) and N-acetylmuramic acid (NAM).  Glycan chains are held together by peptide bridges.  Thus, we have peptidoglycan (peptide linked glycans).  [Review peptidoglycan and its synthesis].

        Since peptidoglycan is defining for bacteria, and not found in mammals, it makes an excellent target for drug therapies aimed at bacterial pathogens.  When you look at medical microbiology and drug development, you will note that a critical stage of developing safe drugs is to target something that is unique to the pathogen.  In this way, you can prevent host toxicity (beyond potential allergic effects).  Targeting a metabolic feature (like glycolysis) that is held in common would hurt the host as well as the pathogen.  [What drugs target peptidoglycan?]

        The cell wall structure of bacteria takes on two major forms, referred to as gram + or gram -.  This designation comes from the result of Gram's Staining, a differential staining technique.  Gram + organisms have a large peptidoglycan wall, while gram - cells have a thin peptidoglycan and an outer membrane.  This difference is remarkable, and provides each group of bacteria with its own sets of advantages and limitations.

        As a note:  the human immune system has the ability to register peptidoglycan as foreign.   Peptidoglycan is classified as a Pathogen Associated Molecular Pattern (PAMP).  It is picked up by the Toll-Like Receptor (TLR) 2 in human monocytes (innate immunity).  We'll bring this concept up later, but for now, look at the concept of a PAMP...specifically the idea of a molecular pattern. 

        Today's Notes:
        In your readings on the cell membrane and cell wall, I want you to note the differences seen between the Archaea and Bacteria.  The focus on the challenges and face-to-face time will be on bacteria, so it is up to you to take some notes about Archaeal cell membranes and wall.

        Today's Challenge:
        Focus today on the gram + cell.  Provide a detailed description of the cell's structure and advantages that can be gained by having a large peptidoglycan cell wall.  Find two examples of gram + organisms, and give some information about these organisms.

        Tuesday, January 17, 2012

        Daily Newsletter January 17, 2012

        Daily Newsletter                                                                       January 17, 2012

        Today's Topic:  The Prokaryotic Cell Membrane

        At first glance, the prokaryotic cell shows less complexity than the eukaryotic cell.  The obvious two differences are size and absence of internal membranes.  These two aspects of cells actually go hand in hand.  It deals with the concept of the surface area to volume ratio.  Basically, because prokaryotic cells lack internal membranes, their size is limited.  Eukaryotic cells on the other hand can be larger because of internal compartmentalization. 

        But why is surface area so important?  Two reasons should come to mind:
        1. the ability to acquire nutrients and release waste.
        2. the membrane is a key player in many metabolic functions (e.g., electron transport chains).
         In general biology, the cellular membrane (and internal membranes) are focused on because of their importance.  They are the defining structure of the cell.  The cell membrane defines the internal vs. the external environment.  The types of receptors, channels, pores and enzymes a cell puts on their membrane shows the capabilities and metabolic features of a cell.  For instance, if a cell is going to use lactose, it has to have a mechanism to bring lactose across the cell membrane.

        Also remember that cells will create concentration gradients across membranes.  You may remember the Sodium/Potassium gradient or the Proton Motive Force.  Both of these are electrochemical gradients, and are critical to the survival of cells.

        Today's Challenge:  Cell membrane structure
        You may recall that the cell membrane is described as a fluid mosaic:  Proteins floating in a sea of lipids.  Today, think back on the membrane.  Why is the membrane so critical to the life of the cell?  What reactions have to take place around the membrane?  How important is membrane composition?  What happens when you change fatty acids, or in the case of Archaea, the type of lipids used in the membrane?  What can we learn from the study of membranes?  The above questions do not have to be answered individually.  They are there for you to consider as you build your blog.

        Hints:  Visit the wikipedia article on cell membranes if you need a refresher.
        For more information on bacterial fatty acids, look at this wikipedia article on Phospholipid derived fatty acids.
        For more information on archaeal cell membranes, look at this wikipedia article on Archaea.

        Monday, January 16, 2012

        Weekly Update 2 - Prokaryotic Cells

        Weekly Update 2 - Prokaryotic Cells

        Administrative Update

        The new website is up.  I will be working on it throughout this week, but you can access it and start working on your blogs.  The website is:

        On the left had column of the page is a series of links to different features.  One of these features is the blog.  Go on and start using the blog by adding the challenges from last week.  You can also work on one additional challenge that was not sent out last week.

        Discuss the use of stains in visualizing microorganisms.  Why do we use them?  What are differential stains, and how have they been used?

        Prokaryotic Cells

        This week we will delve into the prokaryotic cell.  The newsletters this week will focus your attention on special aspects of prokaryotes and a few of the differences between bacteria and archaea.

        Prior Knowledge
        It is expected that all students are well verse in the cell theory and eukaryotic cells.  You should be able to describe the cell membrane, it's basic features and functions.

        Learning Objectives
        • Be able to discuss the general (model) bacterial cell.
        • Be able to discuss the chemical/biochemical composition of the cell.
        • Be able to discuss the unique features of the bacterial cell wall.
        • Be able to discuss how cells, and cell components, are studied.
        • Be able to discuss the structure and function of the cell membrane.
        • Be able to discuss membrane transport, especially the use of proton motive force and ion gradients.
        • Be able to discuss the differences between bacterial and archaeal membrane lipids, and the diversity of bacterial phospholipids.
        • Be able to describe the differences between gram-positive and gram-negative cell walls.
        • Be able to discuss the features of the gram-negative outer membrane.
        • Be able to describe the S-Layer and Capsule of prokaryotic cells.
        • Be able to discuss the importance of a compact genome to prokaryotes.
        • Be able to discuss the nucleoid.
        • Be able to discuss replication, transcription and translation in prokaryotes.
        • Be able to discuss prokaryote cell division.
        • Be able to discuss the specialized structures of prokaryotes.
          • Pay close attention to bacterial flagella and how they differ from eukaryotic flagella.

        Suggested Reading
        • Chapter 3 of Microbiology: An Evolving Science by Slonczewiski and Foster.
        • Wikipedia Article: Bacterial Cell Structure.
        • Wikipedia Article: Plasmids.
        • Wikipedia Article: Flagellum.
          • This article does a good job showing the differences between bacterial, archaeal and eukaryotic flagella.  Keep this link if you are ever asked to discuss the similarities and differences in these structures.

        Thursday, January 12, 2012

        Daily Newsletter January 10, 2012

        Daily Newsletter                                                                               January 10, 2012

        Today's Topic:  The History of Microbiology
        Today we begin our discussion on the history of microbiology.  It is important for all people entering a discipline to understand the history, notable experiments and important individuals that contributed to the formation and growth of science.  This helps provide perspective, as well as building an understanding of the methodologies and mental frameworks used within the discipline.  Looking at history also helps us understand where we are today.
        We will occasionally return to this topic, and look at important moments in Microbiology, but today I want you to focus on three iconic figures in microbiology:  Anton von Leewenhoek, Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch.  In the Week 1 newsletter, you were pointed to biographies of these three individuals.  Today you are to read these biographies and use your textbooks to learn about the work and contributions of these men. 

        Today's Challenge: Three notable microbiologists.
        Reflect upon the life and work of Anton von Leewenhoek, Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch.  Select one investigation, experiment or discovery that you believe was critical.  In the case of Louis Pasteur avoid his proof against spontaneous generation (which is critical to biology as a whole), and focus on his work in microbiology.  For each of these three microbiologists, explain why their contribution was critical to microbiology, but also to biology as a whole.  How did their work revolutionize the way we saw and interacted with the world?

        NOTE: The Daily Challenges are to be responded to as blogs (don't add them to the forum).  To create a blog, first go to your Dashboard.  The dashboard is the main page that you encounter when you log in.  You will see a link to create a journal.  The journal is your blog.  It is important to keep your challenge responses there, as they will be easier for you to compile when it comes to working on milestone papers and studying for exams.
        For your use, the following link goes to the Mahara Users Guide.  Use this as a guide to understanding the different aspects of Mahara.  Remember, you can contact me at any time through email if you have questions.  I will try to help to the best of my ability.

        Daily Newsletter January 9, 2012

        Daily Newsletter                                      January 9, 2012
        Today's topic is the nature of microbiology as a scientific discipline.
        Biology is a natural science, which means that the focus of the study is to gain an understanding of the workings and rules of the natural world.  This is opposed to social sciences, which seek to uncover the rules of human interaction.  Natural science can be broken down into two main categories:  Life Sciences and Physical Sciences.  The life sciences study living systems (Biology), while the physical sciences study non-living systems (Physics and Chemistry).
        The word biology comes from Greek origins:  Bios (βίος), meaning life, and Logia (λόγια), meaning words.  The translitterated meaning of biology is "The Study of Life."  Now comes the big question:  What is Life?  One of the central assumptions of any scientific discipline is that the practitioners must come up with a consensus as to what is to be studied, and the nature of life is something that has been debated since Classical times.  With the discovery of microorganisms, our definition of life changed to include living organisms that were too small to be seen by the naked eye.  Yes, there were many people who denied that these were living organisms at first, but emperical evidence gathered over decades and centuries, have shown that these single celled structures have the charateristics of life.
        Today's Reflection
        Take a moment.  Where in your life do you come into contact with bacteria?  Fungi?  Protists?  Viruses?  Write these down in your journal or notebook.  We will come back to these initial impressions in a few weeks.  Don't take long on this, just note the things that first come to mind.
        Today's Challange:  What is Microbiology?
        Above we started with a discussion of Biology and the characteristics associated with life, but what are these characteristics?  How do we currently define life?  What is microbiology?  The root biology says that we are studying life, but what kind of life?  Are there general characteristics that groups all microbes together, as we see with animals or plants, or is it a different sort of classification?
        Optional Reading:  The reading below at present is optional, but we will be talking about this paper later in the semester. 
        Woese CR. How We Do, Don’t and Should Look at Bacteria and Bacteriology. In: Dworkin M, Falkow S, Rosenberg E, Schleifer K-H, Stackebrandt E, eds. The Prokaryotes. Springer New York; :3-23. Available at: Accessed January 9, 2012.
        The above book can be accessed by GSU students as an electronic resource through the library.

        Microbiology MOOC - Week 1 update

         Welcome to Week 1!
        During this week, we
        will be discussing the study of biology and the nature of scientific discourse.

          • Some notes regarding this open online discussion of biology:

        • Each week all participants will receive a newsletter describing the learning objectives for that weeks material.  Included in this will be suggested readings.


        • Each day of the week, participants will receive a daily newsletter, which may contain:

        •           Information for participant reflection.

        •           Additional readings.

        •           Links to videos or tutorials.

        •           Links to articles or topics.


        • Each Daily newsletter will contain a DAILY CHALLENGE.

        •          The daily challenge is a topic for participants to discuss in their blogs.

        •           Daily challenges are linked to the learning objectives of the week.
        Learning Objectives for Week 1

        1. Be able to answer the question:  What is Microbiology?

        2. Be familiar and able to discuss the history of microbiology as a scientific discipline.

        3. Be able to discuss the hypethetico-deductive model of reason (scientific method), and the nature of scientific investigation.

        4. Be able to answer the question:  What has changed in Microbiology in the last 10 years?

        5. Be familiar with the main groups of microorganisms.

        6. Be familiar with the different disciplines of microbiology.

        7. Be familiar with with the different forms of microscopy and the importance of microscopy to the disciplines of microbiology.

        8. Be familiar with the different techniques of enhancing specimen resolution for microscopy (staining).


        Suggested Readings

        * Chapters 1 and 2 of Microbiology: An Evolving Science, by Joan
        Slonczewski, John Watkins Foster.

        *Microbiology at wikipedia.

        *Anton von Leewenhoek

        *Louis Pasteur

        *Robert Koch


        NOTES on References and Readings
        We are using Zotero as a group reference collection.  The Zotero group is:
        There is also a Diigo group set up for reference organization:
        As a general rule for students, when building your blog posts, you should keep a record of all sites, books, articles, and lectures you use in writing your posts.  Think of the references a guideposts of where you got your information.  If you have a full accounting of the places where you got information, then when you come back to study or reference materials, you will know where you got your information.
        What about Wikipedia?  Wikipedia is an encycolpedia, and thus it is not an
        acceptable reference.NO!  The reason it is not acceptable as an academic reference on a full academic paper is that it is an ENCYCLOPEDIA.  It is not a primary source.  It is not a textbook.  It is not acceptable for an academic paper.  But, Wikipedia is a
        fine starting off point.  Is it 100% accurate?  NO, but few written sources are.  It is as good as most encyclopedia, and is actually more up to date than most textbooks.  Most of the science articles in Wikipedia are good, and some of the very specific topics are written by people who have worked on those topics. 

        As such, Wikipedia is fine when writing blogs and forum discussions for Biology MOOC.  I strongly recommend that you go further than Wikipedia, but you can use wikipedia when building references for your blogs.  (heck, if I like an article, I'll send it out as a suggested reading).