Daily Newsletter February 13, 2012
Daily Topic: Reductive TCA and the 3-hydroxypropionate cycle
Today in lecture we reviewed the Calvin Cycle as one of the priamry means on the planet to fix carbon. There are other ways of fixing carbon, metabolical pathways that predate the Calvin cycle. The TCA cycle, while associated with glucose catabolism, can be reversed if the organism has the correct enzymes. TCA can be turned into a reductive cycle, instead of an oxidative cycle. Your task today is to understand how and why organisms would use this autotrophic pathway.
Daily Challenge:
In your own words, describe the reductive TCA process. Don't focus solely on the how, but also the why. Why would organisms use this? What types of organisms do this? where do they live? How is the 3-hydroxypropionate cycle involved in some of the earliest autotrophs?
Special Blog Opportunity: Milestone Exam Revision
This week, you can revise your milestone exam in your blog for 4 points. For each question that you missed, you are expected to:
1: Explain why the keyed answer is the correct answer.
2: Provide a reference for your reflection.
3: Explain why you chose an incorrect answer.
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